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English at Frant

Intents - Train up a child...

  • EVERYDAY SKILLS - English is a fundamental life skill; it develops the children’s ability to communicate effectively – to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes. Therefore our intention is to teach children the basics of English to be self-sufficient as they move on beyond primary school.
  • FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES - We strive to create a life-long love of English through a rich, lively and engaging curriculum which challenges and supports the children to be confident and independent learners. Therefore our intention is to promote a love of writing across all subjects, as well as all areas of life.
  • ONGOING ENQUIRY - Good quality communication will equip pupils with a uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world.  These building blocks will lead the way to build futur careers. Therefore our intention is to guide children to see how English has a place in the world and is not a discrete subject
  • AWARENESS - It is vital that a positive attitude towards English is encouraged amongst all of our pupils in order to foster confidence and achievement. We recgonise that we develop in different ways but all have the ability to make progress. Therefore our intention is to support children to recognise their strengths and weaknesses and instil a desire to make progress.


To achieve our intentions, around the school you will see:

  • A supportive, stimulating environment which encourages children to learn to the best of their ability whilst being creative, imaginative and enthusiastic about English. 
  • High order questioning to extend knowledge and understanding of the varied aspects of English.
  • Rich texts used to inspire discussion and passion in english.
  • Thorough curriculum coverage in the timetable to ensure that the many disciplines within English are taught.
  • Well-planned lessons to support and yet enrich the differing needs of the learners. 
  • Regular monitoring and data analysis by the senior leaders, which is fed back to stakeholders.
  • Regular contact with and support for parents via information sent home, added to the website or in face-to-face worshops. 
  • Whole school events to celebrate the enjoyment of the subject, as well as achievement within the subject.


The impact can be measued by:

  • Talking to the children! They will share with you enthusiasm towards the subject, a ‘can do’ attitude with strategies to access at all levels.
  • Talking to the parents! Parents are communicated to regularly about the progress of their child, with information given on how to support at home. Many attend workshops and there is an open door policy where parents can contact the class teachers is they need help or guidance. 
  • Good results in statutory assessments, for progress and attainment. In spite of losing a considerable amount of direct teaching time due to Covid, 91% of children reached or exceeded their expected target in KS2 SATs. 

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