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The Friends Of Mark Cross School (FMCS)



The FMCS (Friends of Mark Cross School) is a voluntary organisation made up of parents from the school, whose aim is to organise a variety of events throughout the school year for both children and parents to enjoy and to raise essential funds for school projects.

Online Fundraising

Did you know you can raise money for the school every time you shop online?  Just go tohttp://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/fmcs/ and sign up.  If you always go via this webpage when you shop on Amazon/Tesco/eBay etc. then the FMCS will get a percentage of what you spend – at no cost to you!  There are a huge range of retailers participating in this scheme including travel companies, supermarkets, clothes shops.  Please do take a look.

Interested in helping the FMCS?
Whether you are interested in joining the committee or helping at our events we would love to speak to you.  Please come and chat to us in the playground.

Finally, if you have any ideas for fundraising or feedback on events please come and speak to one of us, or you can e-mail us at: markcrossfriends@gmail.com

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